25 February, 2008

What's Your FitnessAge?

"Age is just a number", this is what I usually DO hear when my parents and their friends talk regarding ageing. Well, not exactly in fact, it doesn't applies when it comes to your FitnessAge.

I had the opportunity getting my FitnessAge tested on Saturday at Get Fit Muscle Up workshop at FIT Innovation. The results of my test wasn't surprising to me, my FitnessAge is older than my chronological age, I've not been working out consistently since August 2007 after all.

What is FitnessAge?

FitnessAge (www.fitnessage.com) is a number, or ‘age’ assigned to an individual upon completion of a number of fitness tests, measuring one’s fitness level. It was developed using data compiled by more than 56,000 individual tests, and the software’s diagnostic and computational algorithms have been granted a U.S. patent.

The tests will be administered by a fitness professional, who will then use the individual’s results with the FitnessAge service/software to derive their FitnessAge. Basically, you get all the detailed results of your tests presented in a manner that we can ALL easily understand and relate to – AGE.

For example, an inactive 30 year old may have a FitnessAge of 50, which means that his/her fitness level is comparable to that of a 50 year old (And believe me… it sucks when that happens). Alternatively, a 50 year old may have a FitnessAge of 30 – which means they are in the same great physical condition as a 30 year old. Easy right?

What Are The Tests?
To determine our FitnessAge, we will be tested on:
Body - Body fat percentage, Weight, and Body Measurements
Cardio - Resting Pulse and Recovery Pulse (using a 3-minute step test)
Flexibility - Sit and Reach (touch your toes)
Strength - Sit-ups (1 min) and Push-ups (until fatigue)

Just in case you’re wondering… the tests used in FitnessAge are not chosen randomly or for fun, but are in fact industry standard tests that are also used by the American College of Sports Medicine and the YMCA, the two leading authorities on exercise physiology.

- Source: DailyMuscle.com

Being 20 this year, I have a FitnessAge of a 35 years old. Based on all the test mentioned above, I performed badly on my cardio and actually failed my Push-ups at 20 due to an old shoulder injury. The results of my FitnessAge would definitely motivate me to work harder to gain my ideal fitness level, and the best thing is I'm able to pin point on which areas I need to improve on.

P/s: Thank you to Dailymuscle.com for personally subsidizing me RM50 to attend Get Fit - Muscle Up.

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